Unhealthy weight is a risk factor for a range of chronic diseases including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and certain cancers.
Access the Diabetes UK 'Know Your Risk' tool below to find out your risk level for developing type 2 diabetes.
The information below is designed to help you achieve a healthier diet.
Eating a healthy diet is important for both physical and mental health. It's now even more important in this challenging time of working and living with COVID-19. Eating a healthy balanced diet will provide adequate nutrients and energy to help you maintain a healthy weight. You can find further information on healthy eating here: Food and Nutrition NHS Inform
Want to make more healthy meals but need some inspirations? The following websites have some great ideas for you to try:
There's not a single way to achieve a healthy weight and it may involve making changes to more than one aspect of your lifestyle. The key to success is finding the plan that's right for you.
Online Healthy Helpings is a free NHS Grampian weight management programme which offers a fun, interactive and informative way of finding out more about healthy eating and healthy lifestyle and the best ways to put it into practice in your everyday life.
Suitable for anyone who is:
More information aimed at helping to achieve and maintain a healthier lifestyle and weight can be found on the Healthy Weight Grampian Website: