A row of colourful dandelions

Aberdeenshire Health Walks

Aberdeenshire Health Walks

Aberdeenshire Health Walks

Aberdeenshire Health Walks

Aberdeenshire Health Walks
Aberdeenshire Health Walks

Health Walks in Aberdeenshire

A health walk is a short, free, low-level walk led by trained staff or volunteers. Walks usually run weekly and are often followed by a cup of tea or coffee at a local café or community facility afterwards.

Health Walks are suitable for people who are inactive, living with long-term health conditions, in recovery from illness or injury, and/or at risk of isolation. There are also some buggy walks linked to the health walk programme across Aberdeenshire.  

To find a walk near you visit the Paths for All website:

Find a walk near you

Aberdeenshire Health Walks are supported by a Health Walk Coordinator employed by Live Life Aberdeenshire with funding from national walking charity Paths for All.

Get in touch for more information about our health walks: healthwalks@aberdeenshire.gov.uk 

Paths for all, Health Walks logo

Live Life Aberdeenshire Health Walks

Some of Live Life Aberdeenshire's sport and leisure facilities now offer health walks as part of their weekly timetables.

Fit to Walk is a short walk (up to half an hour) often incorporating some simple strength & balance exercises. Ideal for people who are inactive and looking to build confidence and ability in walking.

Available in Alford, Turriff, Stonehaven, Banff. 

Walk Well is a longer walk (up to an hour) for those who are able to walk for longer but would still like the support and company of the group environment.

Available in Huntly, Turriff, Stonehaven, Peterhead, Inverurie, Fraserburgh. 

Buggy Walk runs similar to a Walk Well (above) for parents/carers with little ones in buggies/slings. 

Available in Huntly, Stonehaven. 

Free to attend but booking required. 

Please visit the Live Life Aberdeenshire sport and physical activity booking page, download the App, or call the helpline on 01467 532929.

Sport and Physical Activities Booking

Please read the health walk agreement card before joining a walk. 

Health Walk Agreement Card

Image shows people walking

Find out more about the development of health walks from our facilities by reading the case studies below: LLA Health Walks development - Case Study

Peterhead Fit to Walk (walker's) - Case Study

Why walk?

Walking is the cheapest and easiest means of being physically active. It helps prevent disease, improves the management of long-term conditions, aids recovery from illness or injury and has a positive effect on mental health.

Joining a local walk group can increase social connections, helping to combat loneliness and reduce the risks associated with isolation. Walking is great for the environment too.



We are grateful to all the volunteers that come along and offer their time and commitment to support health walks across Aberdeenshire. If you are looking for a volunteering experience that is rewarding, sociable, and benefits both your health and the health of others, why not consider becoming a health walk leader.

Commitment for the volunteering role can be anything from one hour once a month to two+ hours per week depending on the project you’re supporting and the role you take on within that project. As well as supporting the walks, there may be an opportunity to support with some of the project’s administration tasks.



The Paths for All walk leader training is free and organised locally (or delivered online). It covers the benefits of becoming more active, walking pace, route planning, recognising potential hazards, and responsibilities of the walk leader role.

Following the training you will be fully supported to join an existing health walk project or to set up your own.

For more information, or to add your name to the Walk Leader training waiting list please email: healthwalks@aberdeenshire.gov.uk

Setting up a new health walk

The health walk coordinator can support organisations or community groups to set up a health walk as part of their activities. To discuss your requirements or for more information please email: healthwalks@aberdeenshire.gov.uk 

One of the projects we supported recently was the Breast Foot Forward health walk project. Read the case study below to find out more:

Breast Foot Forward - Case Study

Top Tips for Everyday Walking

If you can’t get along to your local health walk, or prefer to walk alone, why not try these tips to get walking more every day:

  • Walk the children or grandchildren to school
  • Get off the bus a couple of stops early, or park a few spaces away, and walk the rest of your journey
  • Walk to the doctors, to the local shops, to the library, to visit friends, rather than drive

More information related to active travel can be found here: Get About Website

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