We want to help take the pressure off the NHS by providing free blood pressure checks in our sports venues and other locations across Aberdeenshire. Our Health and Wellbeing Instructors are advisors and can provide some basic lifestyle advice and signpost you for further support. They will also be encouraging everyone to participate in home blood pressure monitoring to put you back in the driver's seat and save lives.
High blood pressure can lead to heart attacks, strokes and other illnesses. Once you know your numbers you can get support to bring your blood pressure under control and prevent these diseases. About one third of people in the UK have high blood pressure but most don't know it. There are not always symptoms so the only way to know is to have it checked.
Monday February 3rd
Tuesday February 4th
Wednesday February 5th
Thursday February 6th
Friday February 7th
The Health Watch digital display contains health and lifestyle information, together with links to support organisations.
To work out what your blood pressure readings mean, just find your top number (systolic) on the left side of the blood presure chart and read across, and your bottom number (diastolic) on the bottom of the blood pressure chart. Where the two meet is your blood pressure.
For further reading:
High Blood Pressure - Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland (chss.org.uk)
Hypertension Food Fact Sheet | British Dietetic Association (BDA)
High blood pressure (hypertension) - Illnesses & conditions | NHS inform
Low blood pressure (hypotension) - Illnesses & conditions | NHS inform
Listen to Catriona and Claire discuss the importance of having your blood pressure checked to prevent complications to your long term health.
Monitoring your blood pressure at home can be a really useful way of seeing what your blood pressure is like in daily life. It can give a more complete picture of what your blood pressure is like from day to day and how well your treatments or lifestyle changes are working.
All blood pressure monitors come with simple, clear instructions on how to use them, but if you are unsure you should bring it to your next clinic appointment and also watch this video below and print off the resources.
Watch this video to learn how to monitor your blood pressure at home - Blood Pressure UK: How to measure your blood pressure at home
You can download and print off these resources at home to remind you: