The Youth Music Initiative (YMI) is designed to put music at the heart of children and young people’s lives and learning, and has been running for more than twenty years in Aberdeenshire. Funded by Creative Scotland, Aberdeenshire's YMI programme provides fun, accessible, high-quality music-making for thousands of young people aged 0-25 years, giving children and young people the chance to achieve their potential in or through music making no matter what their background or experience.
Young Person - Upload
Teacher - Where I Am
Teacher - Drake Music Scotland
Teacher - YMI Live
Pupils - Ukulele
Pupil - Jazzamatazz
To see some of our Projects, go to YouTube
For more information about Aberdeenshire's YMI Programme, please email our YMI Co-ordinator:
For more information about the YMI Programme in Scotland, please go to the Creative Scotland website.