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Swimming Lesson Prices

Swimming Lesson Prices

Swimming Lesson Prices

Swimming Lesson Prices

Swimming Lesson Prices
Swimming Lesson Prices

Swimming Lesson Prices

Valid from 1st April 2024

Lesson Type  Standard Prices Junior/student/over 60's Prices   0 - 5 Years Low Income Benefits Prices
 Adult Swim Lesson £9.66 £5.82 (eligible students and over 60's) not available  £3.84 
 Junior Swim Lesson not available £6.65 £6.65  £2.65 
 Parent/child confidence session £6.65  not available  £6.65 £2.65

Concessionary rates are available to eligible customers on low incomes. You can check if you are eligible for a discount or concession: Live life Aberdeenshire Discounts.

New Customer

This initial payment will cover the first 10 lessons and can be paid at the venue reception prior to your first lesson.

How can I pay for swimming lessons?

  • Payment is made for 10 sessions in advance by cash, cheque or card payment at reception.
  • Example fee:  The total cost for 10 lessons at £6.65 would be £66.50
  • Existing customer can pay by logging into the Home Portal

Deveron Swimming Pool

How do I register for the next 10 sessions?

You will receive an email reminder when you have three, two and one sessions remaining. At this point you can top up your next ten sessions via the Home Portal or visit your facility where a member of staff can take your payment.

What happens if I run out of sessions before I pay?

You will be automatically removed from the class if you have no prepaid sessions remaining on your account.

If this happens and you wish to continue with swimming lessons you must attend your local centre to pay for your lessons. Please note your original class may no longer be available and if there is no alternative space you will be required to make an application to re-join the programme and may be placed on the waiting list.

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