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Forgotten ID or PIN

Forgotten ID or PIN

Forgotten ID or PIN

Forgotten ID or PIN

Forgotten ID or PIN
Forgotten ID or PIN

Forgotten your ID or need to reset your PIN?

Did you know your ID or PIN can be resent to you automatically by following a few simple steps.

Forgotten your ID

Step 1

Begin the process here:

Resend my log in details

Screenshot showing where to select a facility

Step 2

Select your nearest facility and click Next.

screenshot showing option to select 'Yes I am a member'

Step 3

Select the option 'Yes I have a Member ID and PIN' and the Member ID box will appear. If you have forgotten your ID click on the link ' Forgotten your member ID' and fill in the security numbers. Click Next

Screenshot showing field to be filled including name, last name and email address

Step 4

Fill in your first name, last name and email address and the security numbers you see on your screen. Click 'Send member ID' and you will be sent an email with your details.

Forgotten your PIN

Step 1

Begin the process here:

Resend my log in details

Screenshot showing where you select your nearest site

Step 2

Select your nearest facility and click 'Next'

screenshot showing 'Forgotten your PIN' option

Step 3

Select the option 'Yes I have a Member ID and PIN' and the Member ID box will appear. If you have forgotten your PIN click on the link ' Forgotten your PIN' and fill in the security numbers. Click Next

screenshot showing fields to insert your member ID

Step 4

Fill in your Member ID and the security numbers that appear on your screen and click request PIN. You will be sent an email with your PIN.

If you are still having trouble accessing your account please contact us


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