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Overseas Adventurous Excursion Training

Overseas Adventurous Excursion Training

Overseas Adventurous Excursion Training

Overseas Adventurous Excursion Training

Overseas Adventurous Excursion Training
Overseas Adventurous Excursion Training

Overseas Adventurous Excursion Training

Staff Information Sharing Session

All prospective leaders must attend a pre planning session at least 18 months prior to expedition departure.

The points below are covered in a presentation by the Technical Advisory team.

School Expeditions – What do I need to know?

Main Objectives

  • Understand Aberdeenshire’s expectations and guidance for leading expeditions with young people
  • Feel confident we know how to progress our ideas in an appropriate timescale
  • Identify further areas of support/training required to help
  • Paperwork required and by when
  1. Sharing of experience and existing good practice – Within UK and further afield
  2. Clear Timeline with at least an 18 month lead-in prior to departure
  3. Aberdeenshire expeditions require providers to hold British standards for expedition travel BS8848, AALA inspected, pre travel insurance etc
  4. Paperwork – EVOLVE, risk assessments, medical requirements, insurance etc
  5. Check the Detail – In addition to expedition fee other costs will need to be borne by participants including Personal Kit, Visa’s, Pre-Departure Insurance and Vaccinations
  6. Useful links and documents

Contact for the latest training dates and for further information.

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