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Library Conditions of Membership and Management Rules

Library Conditions of Membership and Management Rules

Library Conditions of Membership and Management Rules

Library Conditions of Membership and Management Rules

Library Conditions of Membership and Management Rules
Library Conditions of Membership and Management Rules

Live Life Aberdeenshire Libraries – Conditions of Membership and Management Rules

Live Life Aberdeenshire (Aberdeenshire Council) by virtue of the powers conferred upon them by Section 112 of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 (“the Act”) or otherwise, hereby make the following Management Rules to regulate the use and conduct of persons while in Live Life Aberdeenshire Libraries or any other location in which library services are being provided by the Council.


  • Parents/guardians may be contacted by the library or other Council staff if an unaccompanied Junior Member behaves in an inappropriate manner
  • Aberdeenshire Council has a Zero Tolerance Policy – action will be taken to stop or prevent unacceptable behaviour towards members of staff
  • Animals should not be brought into the library unless as part of an agreed activity or event. Exceptions will be made for Assistance dogs
  • It is not acceptable for customers/visitors to make sound recordings, filming, or take photographs, including using body worn cameras or mobile phones for that purpose within the building, without prior consent of the Council
  • We operate a no refund policy for any of our charged events unless the service cancels the event
  • These conditions of membership and library use may be changed from time to time by the library service

Library Membership

New members are required to read and agree to the following conditions prior to joining the library:

  • Personal Information will be held in accordance with Aberdeenshire Council Data Protection Privacy Notices which can be viewed at any library or:\LibraryPrivacyNotices
  • Borrowed items will be kept in good condition
  • The use of computers should be in accordance with the Acceptable Use Policy
  • Children and young people under the age of 16 should have consent from a parent or legal guardian in order to access the computers and internet
  • Borrowed items are for set loan periods depending on the format, with the due date stamped on the item. It is the responsibility of the library member to ensure that the items are returned to the library on time or renewed
  • Renewal can be done: in person, by phone to the local branch or online via the libraries home page
  • Reminders will be issued by electronic means therefore it is important that members provide the library service with their email address and/or phone number
  • Responsibility for all charges incurred (eg DVD hire and overdue charges, interlibrary loans, lost or damaged membership cards) will be with the library member
  • Further borrowing or using the library computers will be stopped if any item is not returned to the library after 28 days overdue. Full use of the service will be reinstated once items are returned, and appropriate overdue charges paid
  • Members rights will be stopped once £20 accrued charges has been reached for adults and £5 accrued charges for juniors
  • Loss or damage to items borrowed will be the responsibility of the library member with resulting full recompense, or equivalent, as assessed by the library service
  • Members must only use their own membership card to borrow items. A parent or guardian shall be liable for any items borrowed by junior members (ie anyone aged 0-15 years of age)
  • Items can be renewed up to a maximum of 3 times. If the item is required for a longer period, it must be returned to the branch in person seeking a further loan. This will ensure the item is seen by the library staff and to ensure the item is still in good condition. Normal overdue charges will accrue until the item is either renewed or returned to the library. Exception: Where there is an active reservation on any item, the renewal period will be 50% of the original issue period and no further renewals allowed
  • The loss of any membership card should be reported to the library service. There will be a replacement charge at the current rate
  • All items should be inspected for damage on issue and reported to library staff. Any damage found or damage that occurs whilst the items are on loan shall be reported to library staff when the items are returned
  • Any equipment used for playing library multi-media material should be suitable and, in such condition, not to cause damage
  • The library service reserves the right to limit borrowing of any library member or cancel his/her membership of the library service if such action is deemed necessary by them

October 2024

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